
Dewi Cili

This is another rame for Dewi Sri the rice Goddess and has no connection to hot peppers, but refers to Ibu Pertiwi, ( Mother Earths ) fertility. At harvest time, rice slalks are tied together in the middle, cerating a womenly ' hourglass ' figure..that the Balinese call Dewi Cili. This hourglass or double triangle, image is used in many offerings, carvings, etc. It is so common because rice is so important to the Balinese - being the main physical sustenance., that affords them the time and energy to sustain their intense spiritual culture.

Art Material : Mixed, acrylic on canvas
Size : 147 x 47 cm
Artist : I Made Oke Kertayana
Price : $ 4,000 US

Art Material : Mixed, acrylic on canvas
Size : 147 x 70 cm
Artist : I Made Oke Kertayana
Price : $ 5,000 US

Art Material : Mixed, acrylic on canvas
Size : 147 x 47 cm
Artist : I Made Oke Kertayana
Price : $ 4,000 US

Art Material : Mixed, acrylic on canvas
Size : 100 x 80 cm
Artist : I Made Oke Kertayana
Price : $ 5,000 US

Art Material : Mixed, acrylic on canvas
Size : 100 x 80 cm
Artist : I Made Oke Kertayana
Price : $ 5,000 US

Contact person : Mangku Raka Sanjiwani
Telpon 081 999 000 109
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